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The fastest way to get the books you need for all your courses!
Please note, stock levels may change between on-line order placement and order fullfilment.
Store Hours
Monday thru Thursday 8am-4pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday Closed
!Special Hours Listed Below!
December 24th, 8am-4pm. Hours may change due to business, please call ahead
Closed December 25th, 26th, and 27th
December 31st, 8am-4pm. Hours may change due to busines, please call ahead
Closed January 1st
Closed January 20th
The Bookstore is open to the community for shopping. Please call ahead to confirm hours.
You can also shop with us online for OnCampus Pickup
or UPS Shipment to your door.
Can’t find what you’re looking for online?
Call us 360-867-6212 during business hours (M-Thu 8-4) and one of our staff
members will be happy to assist you over the phone.
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Copy Center
Copy Center is open to the community for your copy and printing needs Monday through Thursday 8am to 4pm.Print ready jobs can be sent in via email at copycenter@evergreen.edu and can be picked up at the customer service desk at the Bookstore.
Click here to learn how we can help you.