Faculty Resources

The Evergreen State College relies on you, the instructors and faculty, to submit textbook and supply lists for your courses in a timely fashion each quarter. Timely textbook submissions allow us to source the correct textbooks, evaluate titles for inclusion in our rental program, and obtain an appropriate supply of used textbooks.

Important Due Dates

Each quarter textbooks are returned to the vendors for credit at the end of the 6th week. 

Textbook and Supply Orders

  Quarter Due Date for Textbook and Supply Orders
  Summer 3rd Monday in April
  Fall 3rd Monday in May
  Winter 2nd Tuesday in October
  Spring 1st Monday in February

These dates are set to allow the college to meet the requirements the Higher Education Opportunities Acts (HEOA) of 2008, 2010, and 2018. These Acts stipulate that the college must make public all information about required textbooks and course materials as well as all costs associated with any program/course so that students can make informed registration decisions. available .  

The Bookstore is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that we have books available for all programs/courses taught through The Evergreen State College. Even if you are suggesting alternate ways of purchasing to your students, we still need to have copies of all required course material available for those who wish to purchase them here. There are many students on campus receiving outside financing for their education - through VA, scholarships, DVR and more - that can’t go online to purchase their course materials. The Bookstore is responsible for making sure that any student can get access to all required course materials

Textbook Order Form

The textbook order form can be found on your my.evergreen.edu page.

Select the link for textbook orders and follow the instructions to fill out the form.

Please use the comment line to order any supplies through the bookstore, or to indicate any arrival dates that will be required for the textbooks. For example- A specific book to be read before the start of class.

Please contact the textbook buyer at 360-867-6215 or textbooks@evergreen.edu if you have special instructions or questions about the textbook ordering process.

More Resources

Greener Bookstore general mailbox
General Questions

Textbook Questions
textbooks, event books, and all book related questions

Copy Center
printing / scanning / readers / paper / copy machine maintenance requests  

Art Supplies
Questions related on art or other supplies

General Merchandise
Questions relating to clothing, gifts, food, beverages 

Bookstore Accounting
Financial questions

Bookstore DL
This reaches all Bookstore Staff


For more information on Textbooks at the Greener Bookstore click here(pdf)

Program Book Archive (Search and browse book titles used in programs 2004 to present)


Faculty Center 
Username: 74305
Password:  fgh123

Accessing FCN

Go to http://www.facultycenter.net/

Click on Log In
Enter Bookstore username: and password (listed above) Click  Enter create a Faculty notebook (link is located on the left hand side of the page)
Fill out the Faculty registration form. Once faculty members submit the form, it sends an e-mail, which verifies they are faculty, giving them access to desk copies and publisher information. It allows faculty to create a personal notebook keeping titles they you may be interested in later.