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Sustainability in Prisons Project

 Bringing science and nature into prisons
A partnership founded by The Evergreen State College and Washington Department of Corrections

Our mission is to bring science and nature into prisons. We conduct ecological research and conserve biodiversity by forging collaborations with scientists, inmates, prison staff, students, and community partners. Equally important, we help reduce the environmental, economic, and human costs of prisons by inspiring and informing sustainable practices.

This union of ideas and activities – and people inside and outside prison walls – creates a collaborative, intellectually stimulating environment in which incarcerated men and women play key roles in conservation and advancing scientific knowledge. We encourage teamwork, mutual respect and a stewardship ethic among individuals who typically have little or no access to nature or opportunities in science and sustainability. Our vision is not only to save tax dollars and natural resources, but also to help offenders rebuild their lives for the benefit of all.

Click HERE to view our products.  Proceeds from the sale of S P P products goes to support the Sustainability in Prisons Project

More information on the Sustainability in Prisons Project can be found at